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Believe in God, but had no conviction in it. Whether God does exist, it does not seem to matter much to me. God was just this divine Entity high up above the clouds, and He was not the source of life for me. It was impossible to imagine that God really cares about the whole world and to each individual and to my self. But now, I feel like being immersed in God’s Love. His graces have changed me bit by bit, and I see God in all things in life, especially in my struggles. I have changed, and thus all things around me changed with me.

My group has 7 young people from the Eucharistic Youth Society, ranging from 17 to 20 something. We teach catechism but often forget to pray daily. The concept of setting aside times for God seemed unreal. Praying with Scripture was totally abstract. And we are so busy with all the activities of our age. The more I get closer to God, I see clearer that God’s graces for me are just immense and overgenerous. I feel the need to have God more and more in my life.

The first 4 weeks were tiring for me. After a day struggling with works at the office, I just wanted to play with my children. I told myself that it was quite stupid on my part to join this program, but I already promised God 30 minutes of my time, so... Into the second month, I was surprised to find myself enjoying these daily praying sessions. During the first 2 weeks of the third month, I was convinced that I really enjoyed praying everyday. By praying, I really felt God’s presence even though He is invisible. I felt that God shared with me my struggles and worries, while teaching me how to live. He taught me about humility and patience. He taught me to love with the exact same love that He gives me. I am truly surprised about the changes in my life.

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